#Budweiser Lager Bottles
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pakurangaliquorspot · 1 year ago
Celebrate your special day with a 12-pack of Budweiser Lager Bottles (355mL each) from Pakuranga Liquor Spot in New Zealand! Cheers to a year of knowledge and conversations!
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the-californicationist · 2 months ago
Cali Cali bo-bali banana fana fo-fali me my mo mali! Cali!
I'm three Budweisers in and got an itch for alpha Price with a sudden need to breed (yay! Surprise rut!), and there's his sweet smelling omega neighbor who he's been keeping at arm's length because he's a professional dammit and has complete control of his urges, thank you very much.
Honestly, I just wanna see Mr. "I'm Married to My Job" lose it and show back up on base abashed and mated, and also ridiculously proud of his lil omega's claiming bite, because "she turned into a wildcat, lads. I couldn't stop her." *wink-wink*
Or not. I'm happy with any smutty Price fic you bestow on us, really. I'm just being weirdly specific because— alcohol = horny thots. 🍺😏🥴🫠
Drunken hugs 🫂 from Random Thot
RTG!! You are the most amazing person, and every time I see your pfp on AO3 or tumblr, I just get all gooey inside. Thank you for the ask! I wrote (and fully deleted) this fic three times because I wanted to get it right. I just pray that I could deliver. <3 <3 Hope this is what you were hoping for!!
MDNI/NSFW -- TW: damsel in distress, ABO dynamics, knotting, fuck-or-die scenarios, CNC, fluids, PIV sex, female OC
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Glory, Glory
It was his last beer of the night, and he was ripping it apart. Curling, soggy shards of the torn label were stuck under his thumbnail, darkening the translucent edge and making it look dirty. They littered the sticky, lacquered bartop like ugly snow, falling in a tiny, chaotic mess. His hands were more than just dirty, the captain thought to himself as he used his wide thumb to itch at the glue-covered glass, rolling little, paper shards away from the smooth surface to reveal the amber liquid swirling within. The captain’s hands; they were covered in blood. Not innocent blood, but blood all the same. They’d never be clean again. 
But, that was the job, and he was good at it. His hands were a direct reflection of his hard work. Killing evil bastards kept the world safe. Some poor sob in a factory could clean out the glue-painting machine that pasted these fuckin’ labels on all of these bloody beer bottles because of one unshakable truth: John Price was good at killing evil bastards.
Unfortunately, the killing would need to wait until after the mandated leave window closed again. His argument with Kate still grated inside of his head. He could almost hear her harsh, Yank accent in his ears.
“What do you want me to tell payroll, John? You can’t be here. You’ve got too many days. Go home. See your mom.”
“I see her plenty, Katie. Let me run that ops gig with Keller. C’mon. I’ll do overwatch,” he tried his best to weasel his way back into a bit of active duty.
“You’d be the world’s most expensive overwatch. Hell no. Here’s your ticket,” she shoved an envelope in his hands, “...and your money,” another envelope, “Go the fuck home, Captain. That’s an order.”
An order. More like a toothless threat. 
But, alas, here he was, staring at a freshly shaved, buzzcut version of himself in a filthy pub mirror, undressing bottles left and right. 
“Another, mate?” The barkeep pointed to his almost-empty drink, making a slight grimace at the paper graveyard that was sprinkled across his bar.
“No,” John sighed, pulling out a few notes from his wallet, “I’m off.”
“Happy Christmas,” the barkeep took the bills and didn’t bother to look up again, setting himself to sweeping the torn strips off of the surface, preparing for the next paying customer. 
“You, too,” John muttered, tugging his black wool beanie over his ears before braving the classic cold, wet, and windy Liverpudlian night. 
He didn’t live far. John’s mum had kept up his loft down by the docks, but it certainly didn’t feel like home. Home wasn’t real. Not anymore. As he walked along the Mersey’s edge, he peered into the black water, wondering if he’d ever truly go home again. 
All of a sudden, he heard a shrill scream. Every sense that had been dulled by his lager was now as sharp as a blade and set on its edge. Again, a high-pitched shout pealed through the night air, beckoning him back to his heroism. That keening was the sound of some evil that needed stamping out, and he was hungry for it. 
He sprinted through the warehouse district, chasing the noise of scuffling, ducking behind alleys and abandoned garages, looking for the source. Finally, there was a flash of red that caught his eye, so he ran towards it, his mind making sense of the scene in front of him. 
Voices were jumbled and mashed up together, barely registering in his mind.
“Out here in a fuckin’ heat. Dumb bitch! C’mere.”
“She’s got a knife!”
“C’mere, you little slag. Get –”
In the middle of three huge, stinking Alphas, a tiny Omega was struggling, arm outstretched, brandishing her knife at them to keep them at bay. John came up behind the biggest one, some bald fuck with a dirty coat, and dropped him, cracking his spine in two places with well-placed fists, and breaking his jaw on his way down to the ground, leaving him groaning on the concrete. 
One of his mates, a older man with thick, black eyebrows, lunged at Price, a look of indignant surprise on his face. The Omega screamed, her red coat yanked back over her face by the third man, her knife clattering to her feet. Price focused on Mister Eyebrows, dodging a lazy haymaker before popping him twice in the nose, drawing out his blood and knocking out at least two of his front teeth. Then, John grabbed him by the collar, pulling his jaw into his raised knee and listening to the satisfying splash as he fell into a murky puddle. 
Finally, he set his sights on the last Alpha of the pack whose ropey arm was looped across the Omega’s neck, choking the air from her lungs. He growled at Price, his scent turning to rancid fear,
“Stay back! She’s mine, you big bastard.”
The captain had nothing to say. With a practiced ease, he side-stepped her assailant, breaking the elbow that controlled her throat, making him release her immediately. The evil bastard stumbled back, hand outstretched, bargaining for his life, 
“Wait, wait. I’ll share her with you, how’s that? I’ll even let you have first go!”
A deafening howl came out of his mouth as Price’s boot heel made contact with his kneecap, forcing it to snap at a terrible angle. John’s hand shot out and grabbed the man by the hair on the crown of his head, tugging cruelly at his scalp. Without mercy, John slammed his face into a nearby bollard, and the howling stopped.
It was quiet again aside from the Omega’s trembling breaths. She had recovered the knife and was now pointing it towards John with shaking hands and wide, determined eyes. 
“You alright, love?” Price asked, holding his hands up in a sign of peace, edging towards her in gentle, predictable steps. 
“Y-yeah… Stay! Stay right there,” her voice was bright and clear, and he could hear her strength laced through her words. He stopped in his tracks, respecting her wishes.
“What are you doin’ all the way out here, darlin’?”
“They dragged me over here from Baltic Fleet,” she straightened up, getting her bearings, wiping the blood from a small cut in her cheek, “Fuckin’ bastards. Thank you, by the way.”
“Jus’ doin’ my job,” Price shrugged, waiting for her to lower the knife even further before he continued his approach.
“Police?” She asked, a little confused. 
“Not exactly,” Price smiled, offering a hand out to her, “John Price, Captain of His Majesty’s RAF service.”
“Oh,” she studied him for a moment, and then her eyes fell to the hand, ready to bite but deciding to shake it instead. 
When he touched her skin, Price felt her fever. Shocked, he tightened his grip, not meaning to startle her but too surprised by her temperature to ignore it.
“Christ, love. You’re burnin’ up.”
As quick as a flash, she yanked her hand out of his grasp and retreated back towards the wall of the warehouse behind her, scooting her way towards the corner to get out of his range, ready to bolt. She didn’t respond, but John watched as she wiped her brow, dotted with sweat and covered in concern. 
“Hey,” he moved forward again protectively, “You can’t be out here alone. Not like this. At least let me walk with you. I’ll stay ten paces behind. It’s not safe.”
“I’m fine,” she said with more strength in her voice than what she was ready to produce.
“You’re not. You’re in a bloody heat. When did it start?” He watched as her knees began to tremble, and against her obvious wishes, he helped her sit on the warehouse deck, letting her keep the knife so she could feel safe. 
“Yesterday…” She closed her eyes, trying to shake it off, “It’s… I’m fine. It’s never this bad.”
Now that he was close to her, Price was smothered by the scent of her body. The Omegan glands in her neck smelled like thick, wild honey, and her heat was mixing with her aroma, turning an already sweet smell into a lucious, decadent gourmand, pulling him in like quicksand. 
“C’mon,” he helped her up, “Where’s your place? I’ll get you close.”
The clang of her knife made him glance up to see her eyes closed and her mouth slack. She was out, too weak to withstand the fever and the physical exertion. 
Price felt his body react to her need. He was filled with rage, white and hot, at her situation. Those goddamn monsters were trying to take advantage of her in this vulnerable state. She should be home in her nest, being taken care of by her Alpha, covered in soothing oils and cool compresses, her needy little cunt stuffed full of his knot, staving off these symptoms and enduring them for her. Instead, she’d been hunted, chased, made to fight for her dignity out here in the middle of the docks. Something else inside Price’s chest curled around his anger. 
He tried to shake it off, knowing it came from being unmarked, but it had been so many years as a lone Alpha that he knew how to control it. Or, at least he thought he did. 
Now, though, he found himself pulling at the neck of her coat as he held her in his arms, invading her privacy to check for a bite. He felt the shame wash over him as he covered her skin back up. He had no business searching for a mating bite. She was not his Omega, and he was not her Alpha. 
After a few minutes out in the chilled wind, he made it to his apartment. Thankfully, it was late enough that his neighbors weren’t outside to witness what looked like a literal kidnapping, and he shuffled her inside without much trouble. Price lay her down on his long, leather sofa, careful to rest her head on the soft arm. He went to the kitchen to retrieve a cold rag and pressed it to her forehead, hoping to hold back the fever for as long as he could.
“C’mon, pretty girl. Wake up,” he whispered, trying to gently shed her coat and sweater, peeling her layers off to bring her temperature down to a more manageable level. 
She moaned, her eyes wrenching shut even tighter, her face twisted in pain,
“My head…” She sighed, desperate for some relief. 
“I know, love. C’mon,” John propped her up a bit, moving the rag so that the coldest parts would be against her skin, “What’s your name? I can find an address. Do you have your purse?”
“They… took it? I don’t… I dunno…” She muttered, obviously having a hard time stringing her thoughts together, “I don’t feel so good.”
This was not ideal. Price knew what came next. A high fever, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, increased heart rate, and then… 
“Alpha?” Her eyes were open, glassy and dark, the pupils fully blown, looking up at him with an outpouring of unfathomable need. Her scent rolled off of her in mind-altering waves, shoving Price’s carefully-built walls out of the way and sending shocks of desire straight to his heart and his fat, growing cock. 
“No, baby. I’m not your Alpha. Who is he? Can you give me a name?” John asked, checking her coat pockets in a rushed panic. He was running out of time. 
“Alpha, please… I need… Help me, please,” her shaking hands reached under his jacket and shirt, her knuckles rubbing against his furry belly, her strong fingers digging around for his belt buckle, getting right to the point. 
Price felt the room flex around him, and he tried to breathe in air that wasn’t saturated by her vanilla spice, searching in the deepest recesses of his mind for some semblance of his self control. 
“Easy, love. I can’t m–mmngh!” Her mouth slotted over his as he tried to protest, stopping his heart and his words at the same time. 
She was heaven. Her smell was making his skin tingle all over his body, down his arms and up his legs, rushing to his central, sacral core. And her taste was even better. His little cinnamon roll, so sweet and warm, burning for him like a flame, hot and ready to scar him for life. 
“Mngh… Love, mmm… Wait…” Price held her back, using more force than he thought he should need, surprised by her sudden power. 
“John…” He met her eyes and found a particular clarity within them. She was coming out of her haze. But, it wouldn’t last. This was his final chance to keep her from doing something she would regret. 
“Darlin’, I can’t. I’m not your Alpha.”
“You smell like you are,” she mewled, rubbing her wounded cheek across his engorged neck gland, spreading his scent all over herself. 
“I can’t,” he moved away from her, trying to hold her in his arms for comfort rather than to bask in her expressive heat, “My work… I can’t leave you here, pretty girl.”
She sobbed out, trying to hold back from writhing against his body, doing everything she could not to make it harder for him to turn her down. Her eyes were rimmed red and pink from exhaustion, and she was staring down at her own hands, vibrating with tremors, slurring her words,
“Just lock me in the bath. I’ll run cold water. I’ll be fine…”
Something ancient and feral snarled in Price’s mind. 
“No,” he said, involuntarily, the voice in his head escaping from his throat. 
“Please… I can’t stop myself… I want your knot, Alpha. Lock me up before I do something to you… Something you don’t want…” She could barely put two words together. Every thought was a struggle. He was losing her again. 
He grabbed her and held her to his chest, clutching her like water in his palm, using all his strength to keep her with him,
“I want you, love. I want… Fuck, I need you.”
All of a sudden, the energy around their bodies stilled. That cracking, sparking electricity that bound them together was roiling just beyond John’s consciousness, ready to surge. But, he stayed perfectly still, waiting to see what she did next. She locked eyes with him and leaned in close, as if she would kiss him. But, she didn’t. She dipped her head down until she found his Alphic gland, swollen and bruised purple from him holding back his lust, nuzzling at it with the tip of her nose, rooting against him, testing his patience, checking to see if his temperament was true. Then, when he let her sniff him in his most potent spot, when she knew his soul was as pure as his scent, that he was true, she sucked his flesh between her lips, drawing his musk onto her tongue.
She’d accepted him. He reeled from it, unable to hold back a groan, his cock jerking against his zipper, thrashing to escape, flooding with hot blood and threatening to fill his knot before he’d even had a chance to taste her. 
John pulled her mouth off of him and stared at her eyes again, in awe of her beauty, his mind swirling and yet perfectly sharp, begging her darkly,
“Give me your neck, Omega.”
The ritual had begun, and as she swept her hair away from her shoulder, pulling it around her back, she bent for him, arching her head down in a submissive bow, revealing her Omegan mating line. It looked like a keloid scar, the raised skin swollen and painful, like a pounding vein that ran from below her earlobe down to the top of her shoulder, full of her hormones and thick with her magic. One bite, and he would be in her thrall, pliant to her every whim, beholden to her needs until her heat had run its course. 
Price had never given his bite to anyone. It had been easy to abstain. In fact, in his youth, he had a hard time understanding his mates’ commitments to their Omegas, scoffing at their lack of duty to their stations, doubting their commitment, and - moreover - doubting their loyalty. He remained a captain through and through, and he’d never made room for anyone or anything else. But, here he was, his teeth aching in his jaw, bigger and sharper than they should’ve been, his every sense heightened and taking her in like a drug, compelling him to punch through her delicate flesh and suck her nectar deep into his belly. 
The feeling of her skin against his lips was enough to send a chill through his body. He was cooling from the inside out, and his body needed her heat. She was forcing a rut to take hold in him, and he could feel himself changing for her. Then, he bit down as hard as he could, breaking the thin seal of her mating line with ease, feeling the searing mixture of her oil and her blood filling his mouth and throat like a ripe plum, wet and sweet, and promising pleasure if he chose to swallow her. 
He drank from her for as long as he dared, taking her in long, slurping gulps, letting her essence coat his throat, feeling the hot fluid burn inside of his chest and down into his stomach where it pooled and lingered, warming him up from the inside out. 
“Alpha…” She moaned, raising her hand to cup his cheek as he sucked her life into himself, rubbing her thumb so softly over his shut eyelashes that he barely felt it. 
John pulled away from her, his eyes fluttering open, her bright orange blood iridescent with her mating oil, making the red cells burn bright like a fresh-cracked yolk, gleaming, trapped between his teeth like gold. He watched it drip down her chest, staining her clothes, and he began to tear them off of her. She let him, limp and mute as he peeled her open, making her naked and pulling her into his arms. 
He carried her into his bedroom, kicking open the door and busting the bolt through the strike, splintering the wood and not giving a shit about the damage. John lay her in the middle of the mattress and set to surrounding her with whatever softness he could find; his shirts, his blankets, even his scarves. Anything warm and comfortable was added to the nest, giving her as much support as he could before standing back to admire his work. 
She eyed him from her recumbent throne, commanding him with her gaze. John stripped off his shirt for her, raking it up his back and over his shoulders, feeling as if he was moving his body for her and only for her. All of his motions, even his ragged breaths, were only escaping from his lungs because she wanted them to. His buckle clattered apart, and he popped open the button of his jeans, lowering the zipper in a sharp, metallic rip. 
Once free, his heavy prick flagged, leaping forward and pulsating for her, proudly showing her his gleaming head. He was drooling an unrelenting stream of iridescent precome, his balls tight and full of Alphic oil, ready to coat her warm insides with his shining sex. 
John climbed onto the bed, his face focused on her wet mound, admiring the plumpness of her, imagining her - in every delicious way - like a tender peach. He crawled to her, his mouth still stained neon orange from her gland, and he smeared her wet quim all over his lips and tongue. He wasn’t licking her so much as he was wearing her like warpaint, moving his nose and cheeks through her to ensure he was soaked in her heady slick, his body making wild, unbridled choices purely on instinct.  
“Yes, baby, please…” Her voice went straight through him like a bullet, tightening his cockhead to an uncomfortable degree, and it jerked against the mattress in protest. Her hands were in his hair, scratching through his scalp, encouraging him to sink his tongue deep inside of her hole. 
John obeyed, helpless to her desire, his mind wiping clean and being rewritten by her will. He was swimming in her scent, drenched in her slick, and gasping against her pussy, his eyes fixated on her form as it writhed above him. When she met his eyes, she bit the inside of her lip, crying out for him, rewarding him for his prostrated fealty. Then, she began to rock her hips against his jaw, fucking herself on his face, and he let her use him to her heart’s content, staying strong and sure, allowing his body to be used, objectified and glorified by it. 
When she began to come, it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He followed his tongue inside of her with two of his thick fingers, pressing against her walls, pushing her over the edge. She bolted upright, wrapping her thighs around his face, smothering him with her body, trapping him breathless between her legs. Her whole being trembled for him. He could feel the shimmer of her very soul, rattling and writhing with her siren-like keening. And just when he started to see spots in his vision, needing air just a little less than he needed to please her, she lay open for him, blooming outward like a flower, releasing him from a limbo he longed to return to, oozing with a stream of rainbow-tinted come, the Omegan oil within her womb escaping to advertise its promises to her mate. 
Without knowing why, John found himself lapping it up from her pulsing hole like a hound, swallowing mouthful after mouthful and grunting with each pass of his broad tongue. 
“John, I need... Please, put your knot inside me. I’ll be good…” She begged, tears shining at the corners of her eyes from her come-drunk bliss, her hands plucking at her nipples and trying to soothe herself down from her high. 
“My pretty girl wants this knot, yeah?” John grinned devilishly, dipping his finger into her over and over and licking it clean like she was a jar of endless honey, “Wants me to breed this gorgeous cunt…”
At that comment, she spread her legs even wider for him, opening up for him like a blossom for the sun, ready to take whatever he had to give her. It was mesmerizing for John to see her like this. Everything about her was filled with intoxication and need. He was just a vessel for her pleasure, pouring himself into her to make her full again. Dizzy and drunk with adoration, he notched his girth at her entrance, struggling to fit even his cockhead within her. 
“Fuck… so bloody warm…”
Her body was burning him with every millimeter he sank into her, the heat of her tight sex in such high contrast with his cool rut. It felt like he was swimming in a roiling pot of sugary caramel, clinging and cloying and sticking to every part of him, and yet it was not enough. He needed more. His hips thrust forward, savage yet steady, reaching deep inside of her like an anchor, rushing to settle himself within her darkness. 
The way his Omega cried out this time was different, and it snapped him to her attention, his mind immediately sensing a new need. 
“Love, tell me what you need.” He purred, his mouth kissing her lips and her neck, lapping at the now-healing wound his own fangs had made, talking to her between long licks of his tongue, “Tell me, and it’s yours.”
“You’re so big. I’ve never…” She sounded ashamed. 
Price slowed to a creeping pace, focused fully on her face, 
“Never had a knot before?”
She shook her head, her eyes full of worry. John wrapped her up in his arms, dragging himself out of her slowly before filling her up again as carefully as he could.
“Tha’s alright, baby. You’re mine, and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
“Feels like I’m burning alive,” she sighed, her brow furrowing with distress, “John, I need… I don’t know how…”
“Look at me, alright?” He helped her focus her eyes on his, “Don’t… Just stay with me, right here. You’re gonna come for me, and then… I’ll give you what you need.”
“Please,” she whimpered, her voice so small. 
Price set himself on a path with a purpose. He used his hand to rub small, rhythmic circles beside the rigid body of her clit, coaxing her pussy to drop even more slick around him, using every ounce of willpower he had left not to let his knot slip inside of her prematurely. His thrusts were jerky and restrained, but he felt her begin to rock back and forth with his hand’s movements, bringing her closer and closer to her glowing joy. 
“Good girl,” he praised her, watching her as she began to fall apart around him, “Tha’s my good little Omega. Come for your Alpha just like that. Just… mmf-fuck! Like that! Holy fuck.”
The feeling of her slick pussy clenching and twisting around his cock’s tugid body was enough to make him see stars. He felt almost sick with pleasure, his whole core lighting up like a roaring fire, spitting and aching to bury himself within her. 
At the end of her crescendo, he felt himself let go of the chain, and he rutted his knot inside of her, humping himself forward ruthlessly, his body contorting itself to fit her needs. His knot sealed him within her, and although he was not yet orgasming, he was filling her with his come, the creamy flow of it spilling out of his tip, filling her hole and coating his prick from inside of its hungry little sheath.
“Your come… I can feel it inside of me. Oh, my God,” she sighed with some sort of relief, her eyes rolling inside of her head, her arms losing their strength, and her back arching towards him, lifting up as if she would float right into Heaven. 
And just like that, her fever began to abate. With his knot stuffed inside of her, locking his seed within her hole, his Alphic oils could soothe her heat, bringing her back to the realm of consciousness and delivering her from her wild state. 
“John,” she lay back, her hand pressed to his cheek. 
He didn’t answer her. Instead, he bent forward on his elbows and kissed her mouth, chastely at first, and then languidly, exploring her taste. When he did finally pull away, she was awake and alert, sated and happy. He smiled down at her, 
“Hey, pretty girl,” he whispered, wiping her hair back from her face. 
“Hey,” she smiled back at him, wrapping her ankles around his back for comfort, not knowing that it was just enough to set his cock on edge again, his Alphic instinct rejoicing at the feeling of being trapped by his mate. 
“You alright?” John asked, a tinge of worry at the edge of his voice.
“I am now, thanks to you,” she sighed, tucking herself in beneath him, rubbing her hands along his ribs and the soft fur of his back and arms, feeling every bit of him as if she was seeing him with her touch, “You saved me, Alpha.”
“Aye,” he nudged her jaw with his nose, asking her wordlessly to give him the vulnerable softness of her neck. She obliged, and he spoke to her between sucking kisses, “All mine. My Omega. Innit that right, baby?”
She was practically lambent beneath the scrutiny of his possession, rolling in it like a wave in the sand, captured by it and surrendering to the riptide of his unbreakable grip. She nodded, humming her ascent, her expression turning a little rueful right at the end of his kisses. The sorrowful timbre of her voice broke his heart, 
“I’m grateful. But, I know this isn’t what you wanted, and I’m so sor–”
“No,” he kissed her words away, feeling his length throb inside of her, urging him to kiss her again, “No, love.”
“I won’t bite you,” she promised, her gaze still full of apology, “You won’t be stuck with me.”
“Bite me, Omega,” he bent his head and buried his face in her shoulder, giving her his gland in total surrender, “Go on. I’m yours.”
“John…” She hesitated, but he could feel her body flood her hole, excited beyond measure at the thought of binding him to her as her mated Alpha. 
“Go on,” he commanded in his smoky growl, holding her tighter and bracing for the ecstasy of her teeth.
He felt her lips first, and his balls tightened, ready to fling him into a messy orgasm as soon as he felt his gland shatter in her mouth. Her Omegan teeth wouldn’t break the skin, but he knew she was strong enough to crack the shell around his swollen node. The anticipation of her bite was wrecking his mind, and he was gasping for breath by the time he felt her jaw set itself against him. 
“Baby, please…” He whined in her ear, his hips thrusting in short, jerking thrusts, unable to move much with his knot still trapped up inside of her, holding his gushing come in her hole, pushing it into her womb from the sheer volume of it. 
Her teeth connected, and he could hear his unbroken shell give way beneath her strength, the hormones inside of it rushing through his system like wildfire, burning through his veins and making him scream for her. At the same time, John felt his core throw him into a raw orgasm, his whole body trembling above her, wringing himself from the inside out. 
“Alpha,” she sighed, licking his neck to comfort him, “My Alpha…”
“Yours, baby. All yours.”
— — — — — 
The new trainees filed out of the gym, sweaty, bloody, and eager to be out of the captain’s sight. Price had run them ragged, forcing them to spar with practice weapons, pitting them against each other in a strained, exhausting competition. Ghost and Soap sat with Gaz as they eyed their commander, their eyes glued to the fresh bite mark on his neck, shocked into a silent stupor. 
“I cannae believe it. Mated? To which lassie?” Soap asked, dumbfounded.
“I didn’t think he’d ever take a mate,” Gaz marvelled.
“I thought he was savin’ himself for marriage,” Ghost quipped, earning himself a scuff from Soap.
Price made his way across the mat, pulling his sweaty shirt off his back to trade it for a clean one. The red welts and nail-marks across his shoulders and down his belly made Gaz let out a low whistle. But, his commander’s glare stopped him mid-note. 
“Wha’s that, Garrick?”
“Nothin’, sir. Just… admirin’ your battle scars,” Gaz smiled, wishing his two teammates would stop snickering so loudly. 
“Looks like a hell’uva fight, Cap,” Ghost added, looking everywhere but into Price’s icy eyes. 
“Wha’s her name?” Soap asked outright, skipping over the double entendres and going right for the point. 
Their captain sighed, zipped up his gym bag, and stood in front of his three officers, glaring down at them with a look that was on the border of dead-seriousness,
“If I told you that, lads, I’d have to kill you.”
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swiftcola · 5 months ago
ranking m2 beer based on how i think it would taste
stoltz: very likely german. described as a lager. no further comment
master: the bottle is reminiscent of budweiser which i’m partial to. this is a bullshit reason but i’m in charge here so i make the rules
old empirical: probably decent if poured right. only beer available to us on tap but the name makes me think it’s probably a bit shit
st. luka: pale ale on tap. american ale? let’s be honest this is probably fucking disgusting
2 notes · View notes
hale-raiser1 · 2 years ago
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The Red Rabbit Club is a glamorous nightclub down a series of staircases, featuring plush furnishings & a sunken dance floor.
Specialty drinks of the night:
Sinner Southern Comfort, Amaretto, house bourbon, peach schnapps, cranberry juice, sweet and sour. Damn yourself, if you dare.
Saint Malibu, Blue Curacao, house vodka and gin, sweet and sour, Sprite. Let yourself be blessed.
Sinners Mimosa St. Germain elderflower liqueur, champagne, orange juice. Being bad can sometimes taste oh so good.
Saints Margarita Dos Lunas Silver tequila, Cointreau, Grand Marnier, sweet and sour, orange juice. Garnished with salt rim. Too many of these and you will be seeing dos.
Dirty Martinis:
Silk Panties Grey Goose, peach liqueur, cranberry juice, sugar rim…STRAIGHT UP and DROPPED!
Between the Sheets Absolut Vanilla, peach schnapps, pineapple juice, cranberry juice. Garnished with red sugar wim and orange wedge
Love Potion #10 Malibu, peach schnapps, banana liqueur, pineapple juice, orange juice. Garnished with red sugar rim and lime wedge.
Feel the Wood Woodford Reserve, amaretto, and a splash of soda, garnished with an orange wheel
Nice Whites:
Domino Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio (By the glass only) 6.25 Easy drinking whites with light fruit and smooth finish
Sonoma Cutrer Elegant Chardonnay with perfect balance of cream, butter and oak along with a touch of zesty citrus. This powerful combination makes this the choice Chardonnay for SAINTS and SINNERS alike.
Naughty Reds:
Domino Cabernet Sauvignon (By the glass only) Easy drinking Cabernet Sauvignon with bold and heavy earthy tones, stands up well to meaty dishes
MERLOT The Velvet Devil Smooth and Sultry, this DEVILISH merlot is sure to bring out the Sinner in everyone.
Draft beer:
Abita Amber Munich-style lager brewed with pale and caramel malts and German Perle hops.
Abita Purple Haze Brewed with real raspberries, pilsner and wheat malts and Vanguard hops.
Blue Moon Belgian-style white ale brewed with oats and spiced with orange
Miller Lite
Coors Light
Bottle Beer:
Budweiser Bud Light Coors Light Miller Lite Michelob Ultra Dos Equis Lager Corona Extra Heineken Stella Artois
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the-firebird69 · 3 months ago
No son and daughter have an idea our son and daughter have an idea it's not bad Spuds MacKenzie but you say spuds beer it looks like it's still bud but he's gone off on his own and it's the dog and the saying dogs are smart and brilliant and all sorts of things we think it's a good idea and we're going to go ahead and try and do it and you have the dog of course on the beer and people will drink it by the boatload it'll be cheaper and it'll be like a fledgling Budweiser and it tastes like a cheap Miller still have beer taste I won't be watery no and we can make it that way so we're looking for volunteers to try it and yeah he had all sorts of looks it's a lot of fun and maybe a special beers different flavors and different looks spuds winter Brew spids lager spuds malts yeah spuds dark spots light spuds dark and tan and it'll be great what an idea
Thor Freya
It's a good idea people tried it in the past and failed and he always fail at it and Budweiser is a very big and drunken by the max they said it will be contaminated with thoughts and stuff so that's why they do it
That's what we want to do
Zig Zag
It's got another idea for Brandy and put her on the bottle she looks like that lady who plays Callisto and was it calypso the second one and be Brandy brand let hard liquor and Hera could run it she says no said yes and of course so yeah she's starting to get it
Thor Freya
We did the Dave and Doug McKenzie routine and the pier is still famous and people want it back and he said why not try and do like the beer and smuggle it that's a great idea we try and do it the other way all the time it never works I said Budweiser is doing it with duff so yeah we probably do that. You have like moving trucks and you say we haven't gotten to paint it yet we have the paperwork that's ridiculous it's a great idea and you have some sort of transport company it's like a subsidiary or sister company and we've had enough it's a good idea it really is yeah put the coolers on it and stuff it's like makeshift but it's real probably be colder than the other ones and it's true
Haha yeah okay Mayflower not bad those are all the news okay
And no not for drinking
We have to do some of these ideas
Trump let it through it could be beer and he says yeah like old levits furniture trucks an old Sears vans this is huge fleets just sitting there of Sears and you can take them and take the Sears off and you leave the like emblem sort of put the cooling machine on it's really funny idea cuz you're doing it on purpose but it's like you know it's just a bare knuckles bomb with a barrel idea we had beer named that never went anywhere and spuds is too aggressive and tough is used so you need a new beer brand and we try them and they just become expensive right away so he's talking about he had a few names and they go with the plastic bottles which we can get for free practically it is it is pretty cheap for us we have these plants full of it it says we could bottle it there there's no law true too and you can bottle it and ship it you just can't bottle it in truck it right now we can't ship stuff though that sucks and you can't get the beer out so we have to do it in our place the idea is pretty good and we make beer in San Francisco cities and there are brands so he says well that's a no-brainer we have a bunch of brands one of them everybody drinks it's not Schlitz it's been around it is an old brand yeah we're going to go ahead and do it he says you just simply start selling it out here and then you make this connection it's kind of heinous because of where he's living in where I'm living
Haha heinous yes
This place stinks we steak this is s*** everyone's going to sit here farting and having a good time people are starving and doing gross rude really blasphemous things and it's been happening for years yeah that's a cut of short I like the idea in the plastic bottles great I'm using soda places stuff sucks no matter what you buy you can buy Coca-Cola but you have sulfuric acid in it for Christ sake who the f***** on to that
Mac Daddy
Says don't look at me but they went ahead and did it and he was smiling and laughing and now here it is
People drink it cuz they can't take the sucralose which is sugar it's another form of sugar from pain it's disgusting we're going to go ahead and we're going to make this work and somehow and I'm saying no probably but I think it's a good idea
Mac Daddy he'll help my guys get it up
Kind of works we did it and it's in reverse but these guys are a little slow
Hulk Hogan
Yeah you don't have any characters we get that we can make a few different brews superhero Brew it's kind of cool
Retiring but this is a good idea just to make one of their brews elsewhere and it's easier to get filter stuff and it's much better and they can take the filter stuff to their cities and use it as cover they have them held off mostly but they can do it and say that they're bringing beer stuff not a bad idea but this is really stifling
Thor Freya
He says it's getting bit or something stupid bugs but yeah we're going to watch him try this watch them try this
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mmwineliqour · 5 months ago
Exploring the World of Wine, Beer, and Malt Beverages: A Journey Through Taste
When it comes to enjoying beverages, whether it's a casual evening or a celebration, the choices are endless. From the elegance of wine to the boldness of malt beverages and the timeless appeal of beer, each drink brings its own unique flavor profile and experience. Let's dive into the variety of drinks you can explore and enjoy.
Wine: The Quintessential Beverage for All Occasions
Wine has always held a special place in the world of drinks, offering a refined, diverse experience with each bottle. Whether you prefer the fruity notes of Carlo Rossi Sangria or the crisp and zesty flavor of Matua Valley Sauvignon Blanc, wine has something for everyone. Pair a glass of wine with a delicious meal, or simply enjoy it on its own. Wine aficionados also enjoy the Conundrum White, with its tropical fruit and floral aroma, perfect for any special occasion.
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Beer: Classic and Ever-Popular
For those who enjoy a chilled, refreshing drink, beer remains an all-time favorite. Beers like the Budweiser King of Beers and Four Loko Apple Malt Beverage cater to different tastes, from smooth lagers to bold malt beverages. Beers are perfect for any social setting, whether you're watching the game, hosting a BBQ, or just relaxing after a long day. The options are vast, ranging from fruity flavors like Four Loko Peach to bold and intense varieties such as Four Loko Gold.
Malt Beverages: Bold and Unique
Malt beverages are becoming increasingly popular among those looking for a robust and adventurous drinking experience. The Four Loko lineup, including flavors like Sour Cosmic Punch and Jungle Juice, is perfect for anyone who wants a strong, intense drink with a bold flavor profile. Best served chilled, these beverages are great for parties or social gatherings where you're looking to mix things up.
Whether you're a fan of wine, beer, or malt beverages, there's something for everyone in the world of drinks. At Miramar Wine & Liquor, we offer a wide selection of beverages to cater to all tastes. Explore our collection online, place a pickup order, or visit us in-store for the best selection in San Diego. Whether it's a crisp wine, a smooth beer, or a bold malt beverage, we have just the drink for you! Cheers!
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months ago
Beer Events 4.7
George Rauch patented a Beer and Hops Separator (1914)
Anchor Steam Beer 1st brewed after Prohibition (1933)
Budweiser Clydesdales 1st used (1933)
3.2 Beer became legal in CA, CO, DE, DC, IL, IN, KY, MD, MN, MO, MT, NV, NJ, NY, OH, OR, RI, VT, WA & WI, after the Cullen-Harrison bill went into effect (1933)
Richard Runyon patented a Beer Bottle design (1964)
Union Carbide patented a Beer Lagering Process (1964)
Charles Koch patented a Preparation of Beer (1995)
Leigh Beadle patented a Reusable Beer Keg Plug (1998)
Anheuser-Busch InBev debuted Johnny Appleseed Hard Apple Cider (2014)
Brewery Openings
Roosters 25th Street Brewing (New York; 1995)
Iron Horse Brewpub (Missouri; 1997)
Betlehem Brew Works (Pennsylvania; 1998)
Miller's Thumb Micro Brewery (Scotland; 1998)
Camino Brewing (California; 2018)
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chemicalresearchupdates · 1 year ago
Alcoholic Beverages Market: Understanding the Impact of Regulatory Changes and Policies
Alcoholic Beverages: Types, Effects and Regulations Introduction Alcoholic beverages have been consumed by humans for thousands of years across different cultures and civilizations. While moderate consumption can provide some health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to serious health, social and legal problems. This article discusses the various types of commonly consumed alcoholic drinks, their effects on health as well as regulations around their production and consumption. Types of Alcoholic Beverages Alcoholic beverages are broadly classified into three main categories based on the source of alcohol - beer, wine and spirits. Each category has many sub-types. Beer Beer is one of the most popular and oldest alcoholic beverages, consumed across the world. It is made by fermenting grains like barley, which yields 3-8% alcohol by volume. Some common beer styles include: - Lager: Pale lager is the most widely consumed beer style worldwide accounting for over 80% of global beer production. Examples include Budweiser, Coors, etc. - Ale: Ales have a long fermentation time resulting in various flavors. India Pale Ales (IPA) are very popular today due to their hoppy taste. Ales also include stouts like Guinness. - Wheat beer: As the name suggests, wheat beers use a large proportion of malted wheat along with barley. Examples are Hoegaarden and Blue Moon. Wine Wine is produced by fermenting grapes and can be red, white or rose depending on the variety of grapes used. The alcohol content ranges between 11-14% by volume. Some popular wine varieties include: - Still wines: These mature in bottles and include varieties like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir etc. - Sparkling wines: Champagne is the most famous sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France using the tradition method. Other varieties are Prosecco and Cava. Spirits Spirits have a higher alcohol content compared to beer and wine, in the range of 25-60%. They are produced by distilling fermented mixtures. - Whiskey: Made from malted barley or other grains that are fermented and distilled. Varieties are Scotch, Irish, American, Canadian, Japanese whiskies based on country of origin. - Rum: Produced by fermenting and distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice. Darker rums are aged for a longer period. - Tequila: Made from blue agave plants, primarily around Jalisco, Mexico. Can be white, reposado or añejo based on aging. - Gin: Flavored with juniper berries along with other botanicals and derived from neutral grain spirits. Health Effects of Alcohol Consumption Moderate consumption of alcohol, defined as one drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men, has been linked to some health benefits like reduced risk of heart disease. However, heavier drinking can cause serious health issues: - Liver diseases: Excessive long term drinking places a huge burden on the liver and may lead to fatty liver, hepatitis or cirrhosis over the years. - Cancer risk: The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen. Studies show a link between heavy drinking and increased risk of cancers like breast, liver, esophagus and colon cancers. - Brain impairment: Binge drinking or alcoholism can damage brain regions affecting memory, emotional control and motor functions causing conditions like dementia or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome in severe cases. - Social issues: Alcohol misuse often contributes to problems like domestic violence, abusive behavior, lost productivity and road traffic accidents when combined with driving. Conclusion In summary, while moderate alcohol consumption may provide some benefits, excessive drinking should definitely be avoided considering its significant health, social and legal risks. Understanding the types of alcoholic drinks, their effects as well as regulations around production and consumption is important to promote responsible usage.
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nickgerlich · 1 year ago
When The Beer Goes Flat
Nearly 10 months have passed since one of the biggest consumer boycotts began. It all started last April when AB InBev, maker of Bud Light, sent a one-off beer can to trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney bearing her likeness. It was posted to social media, and the sh*t storm followed in seconds.
There was no reeling in the social media tirade, no walking it back. At a time when the US had started to show signs of being more accepting of the L, G, and B, they just weren’t ready yet for the T. And for a prominent US brand to align itself with the T was a hard beer to swallow.
So the boycotting ensued. Now before we go too much farther, consumer boycotting has been a thing for many years, but even in the social media era, when word spreads like fire that just had a few gallons of accelerant poured on it, they were usually forgotten after about six months. People simply got on with their lives.
AB InBev, the Belgian-owned parent company, saw its stock plummet, as well as sales of Bud Light. While the company saw global revenues and profits increase in 2023, the opposite was true for the US. The brand simply has not recovered yet, in spite of efforts last fall to align itself with football, including the NFL, but also college football. Gen-Z students, you know, are far more accepting in matters of LGBTQ (all the letters).
I must note that this was not the first time that Bud Light had supported the LGBTQ community. For several years it produced rainbow-colored 16-ounce aluminum bottles, and has been associated with supportive events for 20 years. I don’t recall anyone flinching until last April.
So where did the boycotters go? They switched to Modelo Light, a Mexican lager. But here’s where the irony starts. Modelo is also owned by AB InBev. It’s just that when AB InBev purchased that brewery earlier this century, in order to satisfy the SEC in the US, they allowed Constellation Brands to do the importing, distribution, and marketing. While Constellation is certainly happy to have the additional sales, former Bud Light drinkers need to be aware that they are still feeding the beast they came to loathe.
And now we find ourselves staring down Super Bowl 58, and Bud Light—as well as Budweiser and Michelob Ultra—will make advertising appearances. AB InBev has been blowing and going ever since the controversial moment, as if nothing ever happened. And also of note, this is strictly a US matter. It elicited a big yawn elsewhere around the world.
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AB InBev is confident that sales will recover, although the six-month rule is now in need of revision. This one clearly has been an exception. Furthermore, the attention it brought to LGBTQ issues then spread to June, otherwise known as Pride Month, and the activities that other companies were rolling out. Target in particular took a hit, and moved its Pride merchandise from front-of-store to other places farther back.
In terms of its stock price, it has recovered from most of its losses. Shares were trading in the mid-60s at the time the shock wave was felt, plummeted to about $52 later in the year, and then rose to $66 earlier this month. It now sits at $62.14 per share.
From a marketing perspective, the big takeaway is that the number one light beer in the US lost its crown, only to be replaced by the parent company’s other brand from Mexico. Furthermore, it was caused by public perception—or is it misperception?— of support for one letter of an acronym, demonstrating that when it comes to voting with your pocketbook, it may not just be about taste, but matters of the heart and mind.
Personally, I am not affected by any of this. I don’t consume Bud Light, Modelo, or any other AB InBev products, other than an occasional Hopadillo from its Karbach craft beer division. Otherwise, I shy away from mass-produced beers. But I couldn’t care less about who appears on a beer can, whether a one-off or one produced by the truckload. My value system is summarized in four words: Love all, serve all. Oh, and if I (or anyone else) doesn’t like what they’re seeing, look away.
But that’s just me, and apparently there are still many for whom this is a big deal. We’ll see if Bud Light is able to shake off the cobwebs on aging stacks of beer in stores.
Dr “I’ll Be Watching With A Cold One In Hand” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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fandbtrends · 1 year ago
Global Beer Market Outlooks 2020: Industry Analysis, Market Demand, Cost Structures, Growth rate and Market Forecasts to 2027
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The Global BEER MARKET is estimated to be USD 630759.39 Mn in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 818849.70 Mn by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 2.84%.
The beer which is a popular alcoholic beverage that is consumed worldwide, almost everywhere. It is a combination of hops, water, and cereal grains like wheat, rice, corn, and rye and the mixture is fermented with yeast.
Market Drivers
One of the key factors that drive the market is the quick increase in the number of breweries and microbreweries all over the world. Also, the use of beer as a cocktail ingredient in distilleries is boosting the market growth.
Furthermore, it is gaining substantial popularity amongst millennials and Gen Z because of its varied formulations, flavours, and flavour offerings. Moreover, tailored beer bottles as gifts are also gaining popularity.
Market Restraints
The major restraining factor that hampers the market growth is the rise in anti-alcohol initiatives. Additionally, the increasing risks of health-related issues brought on by long drinking of fruit beer is also hindering the market growth.
Market Segmentation
The Beer Market is segmented into 4 major categories. Based on Product Type, the market is segmented into Lager, Ale, Other. Based on the Distribution Channel, the market is divided into On-trade Channels and Off-trade Channels. Based on the packaging, the market is segmented into bottles, cans, others. Based on region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East.
Regional Analysis
The Asia Pacific region is expected to dominate the global market owing to urbanization, increasing disposable incomes and changing lifestyles of customers in countries like China, India, and Japan. Also, there are more than 1,000 breweries in Asia, producing a varied variety of beers.
Europe is also likely to witness lucrative growth because the European country is one of the key beer-producing regions worldwide and additionally, Beer plays a significant role in all European countries and is also an essential part of the culture, nutrition, and heritage.
Market Key Players
· Anheuser-Busch InBev
· Heineken
· Carlsberg Breweries A/S
· Molson Coors Beverage Company
· Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
· Diageo
· Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
· United Breweries Ltd.
· Oettinger Brauerei
· China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited.
In 2022, Vicky Chamoy, a chamoy-flavored beer with undertones of sour, salty, spicy, and sweet flavours, was released to the United States by VictoriaTM in October. A 24-ounce single-serve can of this Mexican-flavored beer that was imported from Mexico is available.
In 2022, Heineken Silver, a member of the Heineken group of brands with its headquarters in Amsterdam, will be released in September, according to Heineken Group, United Breweries. Experienced master brewers employed natural ingredients such as A-yeast and pure malt to create Heineken Silver.
In 2022, Anheuser-Busch InBev released Seven Rivers, a brand-new beer, in the Indian market. The brands Budweiser, Corona Extra, and Hoegaarden are all equivalent to this one. The new product is initially exclusively offered in select regions of Maharashtra and Karnataka.
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navalvessels · 2 years ago
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Beer and Cider Market Overview
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I can provide you with a general overview of the beer and cider market in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, please note that specific information regarding the latest market trends, prices, company insights, and packaging insights might have changed since then. UAE Beer and Cider Market It is advisable to refer to more recent sources or market reports for the most up-to-date information.
Overview: The UAE has a growing beer and cider market, although it is relatively small compared to other alcoholic beverage categories due to cultural and religious factors. However, the market has been witnessing steady growth over the years, driven by factors such as a growing expatriate population and increasing tourism.
Categories: The beer and cider market in the UAE can be broadly categorized into:
Beer: Beer is the dominant category within the market, accounting for the majority of alcoholic beverage consumption. It includes various styles such as lagers, ales, stouts, and wheat beers, both domestic and imported.
Cider: Cider is a smaller category compared to beer but has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is primarily produced from fermented apple juice and is available in different flavors and styles.
Segment Dynamics: The UAE beer and cider market can be segmented based on factors such as product type, packaging, and distribution channels. These segments help cater to the diverse preferences of consumers in the market.
Price: The pricing of beer and cider in the UAE can vary depending on factors such as brand reputation, import costs, packaging, and distribution channels. Generally, imported beers and premium brands tend to be relatively more expensive compared to domestic or mainstream brands.
Company and Brand Insights: The UAE beer and cider market feature a mix of domestic and international brands. Major global beer brands have a significant presence in the market, along with some regional and local breweries. Some popular beer brands in the UAE include Heineken, Stella Artois, Carlsberg, and Budweiser. The cider market in the UAE is still emerging, with brands such as Magners and Strongbow being notable players. For more insights into the UAE beer and cider market forecast, download a free report sample
Distribution and Packaging Insights: Alcohol distribution in the UAE is regulated and requires licenses from authorities. Alcoholic beverages, including beer and cider, are primarily sold through licensed retailers, such as specialized liquor stores and hotels/restaurants with alcohol permits. Supermarkets and hypermarkets may also have designated sections for alcoholic beverages. As for packaging, beer and cider are available in various formats, including bottles (glass and plastic), cans, and kegs.
Please note that the above information is based on the market scenario up until September 2021. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date insights on the UAE beer and cider market, I recommend referring to more recent sources or market reports.
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fairyposhmom · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GREAT AMERICAN BEER SOAP - MADE WITH BUDWEISER 10 OZ BAR.
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menuandprice · 2 years ago
Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu
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Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu
➽ Outback Steakhouse has a distinctive range of beverages on its menu. It also offers hot tea, hot coffee, lemonade and many more drinks. ➽ Pick the perfect date to go to Outback Steakhouse and indulge in your Outback favourites with your loved ones! ➽ The drink menu at Outback Steakhouse has non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, coffee, coke, lemonade, Hi-C and more.
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➽ As well as cocktails such as blueberry kiwi strawberry, lemonade with lavender, and others. Various beers are available such as Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light, etc. ➽ Also, you can have white wine or red wine such as Prosecco, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and many more. You can get all of these beverages for less than $40. ➽ There are many other drinks available, along with the price. ➽ Look at the table below for a more detailed menu of drinks.
Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu With Prices
Drinks Menu Prices Outback Steakhouse Cocktails Sauza Gold Coast ‘Rita $ 7 Blackberry Martini $ 7 Strawberry Kiwi ‘Rita $ 7 Blueberry Lavender Lemonade $ 7 Aussie Rum Punch $ 7 Boozy Cherry Limeade $ 7 The Wallaby Darned $ 7 Outback Steakhouse Top Notch ‘Tails Top Shelf ‘Rita $ 10.79 Blackberry Sangria $ 7.29 Naturally Skinny ‘Rita $ 7.49 Fully Loaded Bloody Marry $ 7.29 Strawberry Peach Sangria $ 7.29 Castaway Cocktail $ 7.49 Blood Orange ‘Rita $ 9.79 Down Under Mule $ 8.29 Outback Old Fashioned $ 10.29 Huckleberry Hooch Moonshine $ 8.29 Sydney’s Cosmo $ 7.49 Strawberry Mojito $ 7.79 Boomarita $ 7.99 Outback Steakhouse Coldies On Tap Drinks Middy Big Bloke Bloomin’ Blonde Ale $ 4.00 $ 5.00 Bud Light $ 5.00 $ 6.00 Stella Artois $ 7.00 $ 8.00 Foster’s Lager $ 5.00 $ 6.00 Samuel Adams Boston Lager $ 6.00 $ 7.00 Samuel Adams Seasonal $ 6.00 $ 7.00 Outback Steakhouse Bottles & Tinnies Craft Middy Big Bloke Blue Moon Belgian $ 4 $ 5 Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Hard Cider $ 4 $ 5 American Middy Big Bloke Budweiser $ 4 $ 5 Bud Light $ 4 $ 5 Coors Light $ 4 $ 5 Michelob Ultra $ 4 $ 5 Miller Lite $ 4 $ 5 Aussie Middy Big Bloke Foster’s 25.4 oz Oil Can $ 4 $ 5 Imported Middy Big Bloke Corona Extra $ 4 $ 5 Modelo Especial $ 4 $ 5 Dos Equis XX Lager $ 4 $ 5 Heineken $ 4 $ 5 Newcastle Brown Ale $ 4 $ 5 Non-Alcoholic Middy Big Bloke O’Doul’s $ 4 $ 5 Outback Steakhouse White Wines White 6 oz Bottle Prosecco(Sparkling Wine),La Marca, Italy $ 7.29 $ 30.00 White Zinfandel, Sutter Home, California $ 5.99 – Rosé, Chloe, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Moscato, Jacob’s Creek, Australia $ 6.29 $ 24.00 Riesling, Chateau Ste. Michelle, Washington $ 6.49 $ 25.00 Pinot Grigio, Ecco Domani, Italy $ 6.79 $ 26.00 Sauvignon Blanc,Francis Coppola Yellow Label, CA $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Chardonnay, World’s Edge, Australia $ 5.99 $ 23.00 Chardonnay, Cupcake, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Chardonnay, Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve, CA $ 9.29 $ 36.00 Outback Steakhouse Red Wines Red 6 oz Bottle Pinot Noir, Mirassou, California7.79 $ 7.29 $ 28.00 Pinot Noir, La Crema, California $ 8.79 $ 34.00 Merlot, Red Diamond, Washington $ 6.49 $ 25.00 Red Blend, Apothic, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Shiraz, Jacob’s Creek Reserve, Australia $ 7.79 $ 30.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, World’s Edge, Australia $ 5.59 $ 23.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, 14 Hands, Washington $ 6.79 $ 26.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, Francis Coppola Ivory Label, CA $ 9.29 $ 36.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, The federalist, California $ 8.99 $ 35.00 Outback Steakhouse Non-Alcoholic Drinks Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 Kiwi Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 Aussie Palmer $ 3.79 Lemonade $ 3.79 Coke $ 3.79 Diet Coke $ 3.79 Sprite $ 3.79 Hi-C $ 3.79 Acqua Panna $ 3.79 San Pellegrino $ 3.79 Dr. Pepper $ 3.79 Coffee $ 3.79 Tea $ 3.79 Coke (Zero sugar) $ 3.79 ➽ If you’d like to enjoy bespoke dishes from Outback Steakhouse, try cocktails such as Saua Gold Coast ‘Rita, strawberry kiwi, blackberry martini “Rita,” Aussie Rum Punch, etc. ➽ The darned wallaby cocktail is a wintry mix of La Marca Prosecco, peaches and SVEDKA. If you want to try OZ-style, you can include an additional splash with La Marca Prosecco. ➽ Boozy Cherry Lemonade contains black cherries mixed with Bacardi lime-infused rum and Sprite. ➽ The filled Bloody Marry has Tito’s handmade Absolute vodka mixed with a full-on Bloody Marry mix. ➽ This Castaway cocktail is a fantastic mix of Cruzan Passion Fruit Rum, Absolute mandarin vodka, Malibu coconut Rum, pineapple juice Blood orange sour. Also, make a strawberry mojito, Boomarita, Sydney’s cosmo. ➽ You can try a middy or a large beer bloke from Outback Steakhouse. The most popular choices include Bloomin Blonde Ale, Bud Light, Foster’s Lager and more. ➽ There is a variety of craft, American, Aussie, imported, and non-alcoholic beer. Blue Moon Belgian soft cider and angry orchard craft beer can be enjoyed while dining at the Outback Steakhouse. ➽ The wine menu at Outback Steakhouse is segregated into red wine and white wine. This restaurant’s most well-known white wines include Prosecco, White Zinfandel, Moscato and Pinot Grigio and numerous others. ➽ You could consist of Mirassou, MerlotRed Diamond and Cabernet Sauvignon for red wines. Many non-alcoholic beverages include kiwi strawberry lemonade, Aussie palmer and tea. Outback Steakhouse Drinks Nutritional  ➽ Read the nutritional information of this drink from the link shown in the table below. Nutritional Information outback.com/nutrition/
FAQs – Outback Steakhouse Drinks
Does Outback have chocolate martinis? ➽ There are 100 calories in an Espresso Infused Vodka and White Chocolate Martini from Outback. Does Outback serve whiskey? ➽ A classic favorite, Jameson® Irish Whiskey is topped with ginger ale and served on the rocks. Does Outback have Coke? ➽ Try one of our ice-cold Coca-Cola products, Gold Peak Tea, or a refreshing Country Style lemonade! How much is lemonade in Outback? ➽ Strawberry Lemonade $3.19 What kind of drinks do they have at Outback? - Favorite Outback boozy beverages to go! - Long Island Iced Tea for Two. $12.50. - Castaway Cocktail for Two. $12.50. - NEW! Sauza Gold Coast ‘Rita for Two. - Strawberry Peach Sangria for Two. $12.50. - Blackberry Sangria for Two. $12.50. - Aussie Rum Punch for Two. $12.50. - Huckleberry Hooch Moonshine for Two. - Bloomin’ Blonde Growler. Does Outback Steakhouse have margaritas? ➽ Sauza® Gold Coast ‘Rita® Our proprietary house margarita made with Sauza® Gold Tequila. What kind of soda does Outback have? ➽ You can also have hot coffee, tea, lemonade, and other drinks. - Non-Alcoholic Drinks. - Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 - Aussie Palmer $ 3.79 - Lemonade $ 3.79 - Coke $ 3.79 - Diet Coke $ 3.79 Does Outback Steakhouse have strawberry daiquiris? ➽ It’s our Cocktail of the Month! All February, you can enjoy a Strawberry Daiquiri for only $10. Available to customers 18+ only, outback Steakhouse practices the responsible service of alcohol. Find here: Outback menu with prices The post Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu appeared first on ❤️ UPDATED 2023. Read the full article
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askthewvba · 3 years ago
What kind of drunk are each of the Wii boxers?
Glass Joe - Joe primarily is a wine drinker and holds it magnificently, to where it hardly affects him. However, if he were to have heavier stuff, he would be a sleepy drunk who just lays his head on the bar counter and watches the world spin. He doesn’t particularly like the feeling, as it just calls to mind all the times he’s been knocked silly in the ring. He would need a ride home, as in this state he’d take two steps and stumble. He usually tries to avoid this, and prefers to stick to what he knows he can tolerate.
Drink(s) of choice: Red wines (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, etc.)
Von Kaiser - Kaiser in a drunken state is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, he’s much calmer. His usual tics and shudders are muted to hardly being noticeable at all, if not outright halted. On the other hand, Kaiser is a sad drunk through and through. He’s usually able to hold his liquor decently, but being drunk makes him reflective and he tends to openly lament things about his life and past he would usually keep a tight lid on when sober.
Drink(s) of choice: Lagers (Beck’s, Budweiser), Jägermeister
Disco Kid - Disco Kid is a fun, animated, and absolutely messy drunk. Once he’s gone, his only goal for the rest of the night is having the time of his life. He’ll blow up his friends’ and coworkers’ phones with affectionate texts, riddled with caps lock, typos, and emojis. Strangely enough, he’s still remarkably coordinated and maintains orientation when inebriated - he’s about as good a dancer sloshed as he is sober, and potentially a better drunk boxer too.
Drink(s) of choice: Fruity cocktails (Mojitos, Daiquiris, Margaritas, etc.), standard beer
King Hippo - Usually, Hippo’s so hefty that a few drinks don’t actually do much to him. He’s too big and his tolerance is too high; to get wasted he would have to drink enough to put a normal man in a coma. He’d have to down a whole bottle of something strong like vodka or tequila to feel the effects, and when he does he’s almost completely immobilized. The nearby bar has put a cap on how much Hippo’s allowed to have, since they’ve had to leave him overnight more than once while he slept off the booze.
Drink(s) of choice: Palm wines, Vermouth
Piston Hondo - In terms of casual drinking, Hondo has a good tolerance and knows his own limits. If he feels a buzz coming on, he’s done with alcohol for the night. However, should something happen to where he has more than he anticipated, he becomes animated. Drunk Hondo is talkative, gestures a lot, and is much more touchy-feely than sober Hondo would ever be, as well as being less formal and humble. He’s incredibly embarrassed by his drunk self and keeps careful eye on his consumption to avoid losing face.
Drink(s) of choice: Sake, standard beer, a shot of Whiskey or two
Bear Hugger - When hammered, Bear Hugger is another cheerful drunk for approximately two minutes before he’s out cold. It takes a while of drinking for anything to happen, but when it does it hits him all at once. Once asleep you’d best steer clear, because his brain’s still in affection mode - anyone unfortunate to be within arm’s reach will likely be snatched into a bear hug and rendered helpless until he wakes up.
Drink(s) of choice: Whiskey, Yukon Jack
Great Tiger - Like Hondo, Tiger is careful not to overdo his intake and keep himself mostly lucid. He isn’t much of a drinker overall and really only partakes socially anyway, and is more or less still himself after a few drinks, if not a little looser. But, also as with Hondo, if he has too much he doesn’t handle it well at all. He’s a clumsy, dizzy drunk, and has difficulty keeping himself upright. Trying to walk will result in stumbling, poofing around the room in an attempt to put off his fall, before ultimately succumbing and face-planting anyway.
Drink(s) of choice: Palm wines, standard beer
Don Flamenco - Drunk Don is just about as romantic and affectionate as Sober Don is, though about five times as off-kilter. The extent varies depending on how much he’s had, but the harder the drink, the sloppier the matador. He’ll sing to himself and others, dishing out compliments and flirting regardless of gender or marital status, before ultimately needing to be walked (or carried) home. Needless to say, Don Flamenco parties hard.
Drink(s) of choice: Chinchón, Tequila
Aran Ryan - Wouldn’t you know it? Aran Ryan is probably more tolerable drunk than he is sober. Most people drinking with him the first time are shocked to see an Aran more relaxed and less aggressive, something closer to his disposition in his Branch B days. Something about the drink just mellows him out, and after a long day of being loud and animated and volatile, sometimes all he really needs is a moment to unwind with some of the lads and set aside the nastiness for a while.
Drink(s) of choice: Guinness, Jameson whiskey
Soda Popinski - Abstains! Years ago he was a heavy vodka drinker (hence his first alias, Vodka Drunkenski), but it only made him feel angry and bitter all the time. Since switching to his experimental soda he’s given up alcohol of any kind, not only as a personal choice but because the alcohol would interfere with the soda in his system and ultimately nullify the effects. He was required to quit cold turkey - but at least now he still gets to experience the highs of intoxication without the acute liver damage! But is he really any better off overall?
Drink(s) of choice: Soda
Bald Bull - Bull very rarely goes out to drink, especially in public bars, but if at a gathering with friends in some private estate, you might be able to talk him into having a few. Even then Bull really only drinks to get buzzed, as having any more tends to loosen him up more than he’d care to. For being such a guarded and personal man, enough liquor can make him remarkably affectionate - and he hates that with every fiber of his being. If anyone tries to remind him of something nice or heartfelt he’d said or done when drunk, he’ll deny it up and down and insists you were merely seeing things.
Drink(s) of choice: Raki, Tequila or Vodka when Raki predictably isn’t available
Super Macho Man - Macho’s a perfect host, as long as he's active and schmoozing and putting his arm around people and laughing it up, eating the attention up and chewing the scene he's good! He doesn’t like to sit or stay in one place too long, otherwise other, more self-conscious and doubtful thoughts will start surfacing in the drink. Simply put, Macho is a sad drunk masquerading as a happy drunk, and he’ll do what he can to make sure that illusion never breaks.
Drink(s) of choice: Dom Perignon, Remy Martin, all kinds of pricey brandys/whiskeys/wines
Mr. Sandman - Similarly to Aran, a drunk Sandman is much more mellow and calm than his sober self. That’s not to say he’s particularly affectionate or soft, but he is a certain level more approachable. That said, should one of the guys say something mushy in their inebriated states, a drunk Sandman is likely to offer the sentiment back - Hell, he might even drop a genuine smile here and there.
Drink(s) of choice: Standard beer, Hennessey
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the-firebird69 · 7 months ago
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You see on the left it looks like the same size as a 2 L and on the right it's a 1 L those three and we're doing it because we want to show you what these things look like and with something in them they look like regular bottles and you put the label on and it looks really cool and you drink it and it's a plastic bottle and believe it or not the stuff stays colder with plastic no it doesn't it's worse but not much but we can make it cheap those cans were like 12 oz and that's the generic and the small bottles 10 oz the standard 14 oz and a small one would be like a 12 oz the 14 oz can for 12-pack would probably be $6.50 and that is as cheap as I guess the next one up is about $7.60 and we might even make it a little cheaper you might shoot for a $6 and a 12 faculty 11.00 that's pretty cheap and the 2 L would be less expensive and it works out to be about $3 and $1.50 for the 1 L and the beer would be better than most beers it will compare to probably Michelob but it would be better water a little more alcohol to preserve it and people will want it it's not going to look like what you think it'll look like a Budweiser can just it won't be red or blue it'll be all black and white and it won't have their label and I'll have a different label it will look different but it's a decent brewery and it's been around for a long time so we're going to go ahead with it and we're not going to fight over Falstaff now no not at all we don't think its not a great beer. At first we're going to have the regular run of regular beer like we were talking about it's not what zigzag was saying those are the different types but it's going to be a light Amber a dark Amber and the light beer for each and they have a couple other types that are regular beers then we're going to move into what he was saying the pilsner is the IPA and The lager and we will have some malts and some more and it will be interesting they're all going to be generic and very inexpensive by comparison they will be a half price usually and you'll be able to get a premium beer for half price but we should start with this beer to show that it's pretty decent but then he's thinking why would it be very decent and we suddenly hear what people are saying and we're going to check it out it's a great idea and zigzag is involved and Hera us and he's saying that kind of doing reverse not with like a malt full-blown but maybe with a pilsner ipas are always too bitter and he agrees this kind of nasty but those are not bad there's a couple others that you can make a higher end beer and say it's a generic version so you're thinking like Pfizer medicine or lily and you're making a generic it's not made Mexico it's made in the Midwest and making it cheap is the ploy and we're going to go ahead and do this this is a good idea
Thor Freya
I was thinking about it earlier and yeah so I I'm pretty much for sure you pick up on it he would pick up on it and he did it before he's thinking well we're making that there is another aspect to it you're making a generic beer out of a regular beer but there's a bunch of those and this concept would be better
Zig Zag
We're going to push for it now
Thor Freya
See as we can ship tons of this and sell it a lot cheaper and they won't be any questions and we're going to use our fast brewing I already request they start sending it up and there are setting it up and we're going to get factories behind the wall and start doing it
We are approving this idea and we're going to do it now
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inadonoso · 3 years ago
Corona: Marketing in a bottle
As the case stated, it is well-known that making beer is not a hard task. Beers has been made for more than 5 centuries ago. Many have even affirmed that when it comes to lager beer, there is no much differentiation regarding, taste, body, etc between certain brands and that if people does blind tests, they won’t be able to differentiate them. So, what makes Corona a Corona or Heineken a Heineken? In one word: it brand.
It is not that crazy to affirm that beers are marketing on a bottle, and that although beers may be classified as a Consumer Good product, the real business its about marketing and the brand they are selling. 
What makes a consumer to buy Corona over a Heineken or a Budweiser? Probably the momentum. A consumer may be inclined to buy different kind of beers when choosing them for a nice day at the beach, that for playing beer-pong, or watching a football game. Therefore the marketing behind each beer is key, and that is how Corona gained so much market share in a difficult market as the US, as positioning itself as a premium, fun, and chill beer. Thing that its bigger competitor fail to see at time, loosing a lot of Market Share because of taking the market for granted. 
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